I like to mix science, tech, arts in less crowdpleasing ways too. Conferences and workshops are great opportunities to explore and reflect
current scientific devolopments. My multipliscinary approach allows for unusual exchanges and insights. At best, scientists will be challenged
by the artist's way of thinking, artists will learn about and be inspired from recent technological and scientific developments in depth.
World Conference of Science Journalists, Lausanne 2019
I was in charge of all the social events for the biggest biennial conference about science journalism, taking place in Lausanne. In close collaboration with local
cultural partners (Musée de l'Elysée, Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival, Haute Ecole de Musique HEMU) we organised an open air cinema night,
concerts and a prohibition special for the closing evening in a small village of Lavaux, one of the most enchanting wine regions of the world.
Chatbots and Literature, Literaturtage Solothurn 2019
A small and intense one-day conference about the trouble and the artistic potential of writing for Chatbots, with international guests
Workshop 'Digialisation and Environment' for the Federal Office for the Environment, 2019
A one-day workshop for all the leaders of the environmental agency to reflect on the challenges and the potential of digital solutions for the environment,
mixing start-up ideas with artistic interventions and speculative design proposals.
Machine Learning and Creativity, Master platform HKB 2020